Tourist map of Córdoba city center, Argentina

Tourist map of Córdoba city center, Argentina

Tourist map of Córdoba city center, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Córdoba

Tourist map of Córdoba city center, Argentina.

The major destinations include the downtown area, the historic center formed by the central square San Martin, the Cathedral Church, the Córdoba Cabildo, part of the house that belonged to the Bishop Mercadillo, all the land surrounding the Jesuit Block and the Jesuit Crypt.

Another very common activity carried out by tourists is to visit the downtown streets such as the Belgrano with Art Deco architecture from the 30s, stroll along the entire La Cañada layout, the pedestrian streets of the center, the Nueva Córdoba neighborhood, the General Paz neighborhood, in the Güemes neighborhood visit the Paseo de las Artes Fair, relax in the multiple parks such as the Sarmiento and finally attend the museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts Evita, Emilio Caraffa Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Juan de Tejeda Religious Art Museum, Marqués de Sobremonte Provincial Historical Museum, Museum of Natural Sciences, San Alberto Museum, Ibero-American Museum of Crafts and the Genaro Pérez Museum. The nightlife of Córdoba also allows you to visit cinemas, theaters, bars and pubs.


Thematic Maps of Córdoba