Satellite Image, Photo of Cuba's Capital City of Havana, Julio 1997

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Satellite Image, Photo of Cuba's Capital City of Havana

From: NASA

Havana, Cuba July 1997. The capital city of Cuba, the largest island in the Caribbean, can be seen in this mostly north-looking view. Havana is located on the northwest coast of Cuba, 90 miles (145 km) south-southwest of Key West, Florida. One of the oldest cities in the Americas, Havana has one of the best natural port and harbor facilities in the Western Hemisphere. The older, historic part of Havana sets on the west side of the harbor, while the newer, industrialized portion extends to the west and south of the older, colonial part of the city. Industries include oil refineries, assembly plants, rum distilleries, sugar refineries, cigar factories, textile mills, and packing plants. Most of the people, who work in the Havana industries, live to the west and southwest of the City. The runways of the Jose Marti International Airport are visible 16 miles (25 km) to the southwest of Havana just past the urban areas and major transportation highways are visible leaving the central city. Nearly 100 homes were destroyed and many more damaged by Hurricane George as it passed to the north of the city in September of 1998.

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