Estado | Capital | Población (Año) | Superficie (km²) |
Alaska | Juneau | 739,795 (2017) | 1,717,856 |
Arizona | Phoenix | 7,016,270 (2017) | 295,234 |
Arkansas | Little Rock | 3,004,279 (2017) | 137,733 |
California | Sacramento | 39,536,653 (2017) | 423,970 |
Carolina del Norte | Raleigh | 10,273,419 (2017) | 139,390 |
Carolina del Sur | Columbia | 5,024,369 (2017) | 82,931 |
Colorado | Denver | 5,607,154 (2017) | 269,837 |
Connecticut | Hartford | 3,588,184 (2017) | 14,357 |
Dakota del Norte | Bismarck | 755,393 (2017) | 183,843 |
Dakota del Sur | Pierre | 869,666 (2017) | 199,729 |
Delaware | Dover | 961,939 (2017) | 5,130 |
Florida | Tallahassee | 21,312,211 (2018) | 170,304 |
Georgia | Atlanta | 10,429,379 (2017) | 153,909 |
Hawai | Honolulu | 1,427,538 (2017) | 28,311 |
Idaho | Boise | 1,716,943 (2017) | 216,900 |
Illinois | Springfield | 12,802,023 (2017) | 149,997 |
Indiana | Indianapolis | 6,666,818 (2017) | 94,321 |
Iowa | Des Moines | 3,145,711 (2017) | 145,746 |
Kansas | Topeka | 2,913,123 (2017) | 213,100 |
Kentucky | Frankfort | 4,454,189 (2017) | 104,659 |
Luisiana | Baton Rouge | 4,684,333 (2017) | 135,382 |
Maine | Augusta | 1,335,907 (2017) | 91,646 |
Maryland | Annapolis | 6,052,177 (2017) | 32,133 |
Massachusetts | Boston | 6,859,819 (2017) | 27,337 |
Michigan | Lansing | 9,962,311 (2017) | 250,493 |
Minnesota | Saint Paul | 5,576,606 (2017) | 225,163 |
Misisipi | Jackson | 2,984,100 (2017) | 125,443 |
Misuri | Jefferson City | 6,113,532 (2017) | 180,560 |
Montana | Helena | 1,050,493 (2017) | 380,800 |
Nebraska | Lincoln | 1,920,076 (2017) | 200,356 |
Nevada | Carson City | 2,998,039 (2017) | 286,382 |
Nueva Jersey | Trenton | 9,032,872 (2018) | 22,591.38 |
Nueva York | Albany | 19,849,399 (2017) | 141,300 |
Nuevo Hampshire | Concord | 1,342,795 (2017) | 24,214 |
Nuevo México | Santa Fe | 2,088,070 (2017) | 315,198 |
Ohio | Columbus | 11,658,609 (2017) | 116,096 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | 3,930,864 (2017) | 181,040 |
Oregón | Salem | 4,142,776 (2017) | 254,806 |
Pensilvania | Harrisburg | 12,805,537 (2017) | 119,283 |
Rhode Island | Providence | 1,059,639 (2017) | 3,144 |
Tennessee | Nashville | 6,715,984 (2017) | 109,247 |
Texas | Austin | 28,304,596 (2017) | 696,241 |
Utah | Salt Lake City | 3,101,833 (2017) | 219,887 |
Vermont | Montpelier | 623,657 (2017) | 24,923 |
Virginia | Richmond | 8,470,020 (2017) | 110,785.67 |
Virginia Occidental | Charleston | 1,815,857 (2017) | 62,755 |
Washington | Olympia | 7,405,743 (2017) | 184,827 |
Wisconsin | Madison | 5,795,483 (2017) | 169,640 |
Wyoming | Cheyenne | 579,315 (2017) | 253,600 |
English version "Map of the United States with its states and capitals"
Version française "Carte des États-Unis"